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 The Closing Statement of the Twenty Fourth Session

Unofficial translation of
 The Closing Statement of
 the Twenty Fourth Session of the GCC Supreme Council
 Kuwait City - State Of Kuwait
 23 Shawwal 1424 AH / 22 December 2003 AD

 The Kuwait Declaration Issued at 24th session of the Supreme Council of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf

 The Supreme Council of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC), based on the sublime principles, goals and objectives of the GCC Charter and on the common bonds between its peoples; and
 Conscious of the importance and the dangers of the current situation through which our Gulf and Arab regions are passing, and the rapid political changes taking place and the challenges that the situation poses; and
 In completion of the statements, declarations, and resolutions issued at the previous meetings of the Supreme Council;
 The Supreme Council, in its 24th session held in he State of Kuwait on 27-28 Shawwal 1424 AH / 21-22 December 2003, reviewed the collective process of the Council in various spheres, and conducted an in-depth analysis of the all the issues concerning the GCC States and its peoples in light of the developments taking place in the Arab and internationals arenas; and
 While the Supreme Council expresses its appreciation of the executive steps taken by the Member States in line with the decision of the Supreme Council aimed at strengthening and reinforcing the existing relations between the Member States leading to economic integration among them, the Supreme Council asserts the following:

 First: Importance of taking necessary decisions and practical steps to start the implementation of the comprehensive development strategy, which was approved during the 18th session in Abu Dhabi, and proceeding with the process of reforming the educational system and making it uniform in the Member States in accordance with the contents of the document presented by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which is at the forefront of strategic projects and programs for the GCC States, and which strengthens its march and achieves the interests and goals of the State and its citizens. There is no doubt that the advanced education which keeps pace with the technical and scientific progress, is the mainstay of equipping the Gulf citizen with scientific and technical qualifications so that the Gulf citizens may participate in the sustainable and comprehensive economic and social development of the Member States.

 Second: The Supreme Council emphasizes the importance of political stability and security, and considers it the strategic condition for realizing sustainable development in all the fields, and for serving the interests of the nations and the peoples. The Council supports all diplomatic and political efforts aimed at achieving security and stability in Iraq, and making available to the brotherly people of Iraq security, stability, and prosperity that they yearn for-thus making an Iraq which is a positive member of the international community and which builds its relations with the neighbouring States on the basis of International Laws and shows commitment to implement international obligations.

 Third: The Supreme Council expressed its condemnation, denun-ciation, and rejection of the terrorist activities that target innocent lives, terrorize the peaceful, destroy buildings, and civil institutions. The Council reiterates that the perpetrators of such terrorist acts and sabotage that are in contradiction with the sublime teachings and principles of Islam are in effect, committing immoral and inhuman acts. By these acts, they aim at destroying the society and its political and social pillars, and at achieving their illegitimate ambitions and goals.

 In this regard, the Supreme Council expresses its support for all the steps aimed at combating all forms of terrorism, drugs, and the menace of money laundering. The Council affirms the keenness of the GCC States to adopt all means to preserve peace and tranquillity in order to safeguard the lives and properties of the citizens, and to defend their accomplishments, thus embodying the principle of collective security.

 Fourth: That the transaction of the GCC, on an equal footing, with political blocs and powers in a regionally and internationally effective manner, makes it incumbent upon the GCC that it interacts with the rapid and successive events and developments taking place in the Arab, regional, and international arenas, and take appropriate initiatives to contribute actively to strengthening its role in crystallizing and shaping the train of events through specific and clear Gulf stand.

 Fifth: That there is an urgent need to activate the operational mechanisms of the GCC and its various committees and commis-sions in a manner that it raises its performance by quick execution of the Supreme Council's resolutions and recommendations.

 Allah is Grantor of all Success.